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Nottingham Region Technician's Network

Local technician network meeting

Following requests from a number of local technicians the first meeting of the Nottinghamshire area technicians group was held in February. We were lucky enough to be offered a venue in the conference facilities of Scientific Laboratory Supplies, a central location for many of the visiting technicians.

Following coffee and introductions the morning session consisted of a short talk on the history of SLS including a tour of the premises, giving us an insight of what happens between us placing those orders and receiving our shiny new bits of equipment.

Adrian Boatwright from the Royal Society of Chemistry gave a presentation about membership benefits of the RSC and showed us some of the many resources that are available, free of charge, to both technicians and students.

We had time to a look at laboratory equipment, some new and some bits that attendees had requested to have a look at. As always each piece began a debate on the best way to use, store, clean and adapt it.

Following lunch we had an open forum of questions and ideas including open evening ideas, interview tasks, A level course work and good training courses to attend.


We are planning the next meeting for July and there are currently a Twitter, Facebook and  online forums being organised to allow as many technicians as possible to have a say, via the medium that suits them best. The focus of the group is to put technicians in touch with each other and to provide support and advice.

This was the first meeting and the group is still in its infancy. We have tried to contact as many schools and technicians in the area as possible but are aware not everyone has been contacted. The technician group is centred around Nottingham but is open to any technicians who are within travelling distance. This may be either by school location or by home address. There aren't boundaries other than being a science technician.

Thanks go to Graeme Coleman and his team at SLS for providing us with a venue and hospitality

If you would like to be involved either by attending a meeting, registering to join one of the online forums or to be put in touch with other technicians in your area please contact us.


Stacey Wheeler RSci Tech




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Last updated26/02/2015 ©2011